
SureSmile Dental Aligners – Not Just for Teens

If you are self-conscious about your smile because your teeth are not quite straight, or if you’ve suffered for years with a bite problem, help is on the way!

SureSmile is a clear plastic alignment product that straightens teeth and is an appealing alternative to traditional braces. SureSmile is available to both adults and teens and can be used to correct the following conditions:

  • Crooked or rotated teeth
  • Overbites
  • Underbites
  • Crowded teeth
  • Poor teeth spacing

How SureSmile Aligners Work

The SureSmile process is simple:

  • We’ll take impressions of your teeth and your bite and create a 3-D model of your teeth.
  • You’ll receive a series of custom-fit, clear removable plastic aligners. Wear each new aligner for 3 weeks during daytime hours, except when eating or drinking, and all night.
  • Each aligner will work gradually to move your teeth towards a better position.
  • Come back to see us periodically so we can check on your progress and give you the next set of aligners.

The SureSmile Advantage

SureSmile aligners are hardly noticeable and won’t impact your daily routine. They are made from quality material that resists clouding. You’ll be able to follow your normal oral health routines of brushing and flossing rather than trying to clean around traditional braces.

Most treatments can be completed within 1-2 years, but treatment times will vary based on the specific alignment problem.

You’ll be pleased with the results as your teeth slowly move and improve both your bite and your smile. Correcting your bite can have a positive effect on your overall oral health and even prevent future oral disease.

We Can Help Enhance your Smile

Dr. Lorraine Burio of Candlewood Dental Care has been treating and educating patients for over twenty-five years. Our office serves the New Fairfield, New Milford, Danbury, and Sherman areas of CT and Pawling, Patterson and Putnam Lake of New York. You can call us at 203-746-1200 or make an appointment here.