Even if your teeth have started to decay, it doesn’t mean that you can’t still have a very healthy mouth. If you’ve gone through a sick period, a difficult pregnancy, a sugar addiction, etc. and your teeth have taken a hard hit, there is still a lot you can do to take care of your teeth. Here are a few ways to help keep your teeth healthy even after you’ve had damage or decay.
- Eliminate Sugar – This is probably the most difficult (especially if you love sweets) but sugar is not only harmful to your teeth, it’s very hard on your body as well. If you’ve already had cavities filled, there is an even greater chance that sugar will break down your teeth even further. If you happen to have something sweet, drink water immediately after then brush.
- Eat Nutritional Foods – Stay away from the empty carbs and eat foods that are natural and in their purist form. The less you mess with a fruit or vegetable, the more intact the nutritional content is. If you heat or blend fruits or veggies, you risk losing all of the healthy benefits. Be conscious of eating all of the right amounts of various vitamins and minerals on a daily basis.
- Use the Right Toothpaste – Whitening toothpastes may be okay once in a while, but if you want whiter teeth, it’s better to skip it altogether and just get your teeth whitened professionally. If your teeth are prone to decay, the whitening toothpaste can be too harsh for you and cause your teeth to become sensitive.
- Moderate (or eliminate) Acids – Acidic foods directly on your teeth can make your teeth quickly start to decay especially if you don’t drink water afterwards and allow the acid to stay on your teeth. Rinse your mouth out after eating acidic foods such as salad dressings or citrus fruits. Do NOT brush your teeth right after and wait at least 30 minutes to make sure that you’re not just brushing the acid around and further damaging your teeth.
If you have any questions or notice you have a cavity in need of filling, visit Candlewood Dental Care. Dr. Lorraine Burio has been treating and educating patients for over twenty-five years. Our offices are located in New Fairfield, New Milford, Danbury, and Sherman areas of CT and Pawling, Patterson and Putnam Lake of New York. You can call us at 203-746-1200.