
New Fairfield Dentist Explains The Wisdom Teeth Dilemma

Dr. Lorraine BurioThe last teeth that grow into our mouths are a set of four molars most commonly known as wisdom teeth, and they’re something of a throwback to the needs of our earliest ancestors. The modern human jaw, by and large, simply isn’t large enough to accommodate wisdom teeth, and the effect most often seen is that of crowding, where the wisdom teeth can become impacted and even have a bad effect on other teeth.

When they broach the topic of wisdom teeth with their dentist, New Fairfield patients will discover there’s no single answer on what to do with wisdom teeth for every patient. For many there’s actually no need to remove the teeth, and the patient’s mouth will be perfectly healthy leaving them in place. But for others, there are real reasons to get them removed promptly.

The most common adverse effects of wisdom teeth eruption are infections and decay, in the gums and surrounding teeth respectively. When wisdom teeth erupt at angles, food particles and bacteria are often trapped, leading to inflammation of the gums and/or tooth decay. While these conditions are often painful, more problematically they can develop into advanced problems such as periodontitis — a well-progressed form of gum disease where the infection has spread to such an extent that only through aggressive treatment and prescription medication can a patient fully recover.

Given these possibilities and others — such as the added potential for the formation of cysts around still-buried wisdom teeth — there is plenty of reason to have a dental professional evaluate the condition of your wisdom teeth, and work with you to form a plan of action that will keep you at your healthiest. For more information about wisdom teeth and other topics on general dentistry New Fairfield patients might have an interest in, please contact us today!