
A Few Historical Facts About Dentistry

Nowadays when you have tooth pain, it’s easy for you to see your dentist right away and resolve the issue. This wasn’t always the case. Here are a few fun historical facts about the history of dentistry to help you appreciate what modern dentistry is today!

  1. The first known dentist was Hesy-Re who was an Egyptian scribe from 2600 BC. There’s not too much known about him, but his tomb inscription states “The greatest of those who deal with teeth, and of physicians” which is the first hard evidence that someone focused on teeth.
  2. Ancient Rome and Greece both had a lot of information on dental practices and there is written evidence that they knew about treating gum disease and tooth decay. There are even drawings depicting the eruption pattern of teeth.
  3. Using crowns are an age-old practice dating back to approximately 166 AD. This must mean that modern day crowns have come a long way since then!
  4. The importance of good oral hygiene was known even in 100 AD. You may picture older generations having poor teeth and bad oral hygiene, but it’s only because the technology and innovations weren’t as easily available to the general public as they are now.
  5. China may have used an amalgam like paste since around the year 700 to fill cavities.
  6. Barbers dental surgeons used to be a thing. In France, some barbers were trained to perform complicated operations on dental patients. (Some say this is why barbers used to have the swirling red and white sign on their door).
  7. Starting from 1530, books about teeth and dentistry were written and published to help educate the earliest dentists. These books talked about everything from good oral hygiene, to extracting and drilling teeth and putting in gold fillings.
  8. Fun Fact: Paul Revere was a dentist trying to practice in Boston!

Dr. Lorraine Burio of Candlewood Dental Care has been educating and treating patients for over twenty-five years. Our office serves the New Fairfield, New Milford, Danbury, and Sherman areas of CT and Pawling, Patterson and Putnam Lake of New York. You can call us at 203-746-1200 or make an appointment here.