
5 Ways to Quickly Get Rid of a Canker Sore

Canker sores are the worst – they pop up unexpectedly and can last up to a few weeks. Usually they occur when you’re tired and your immune system is on the fritz or when your body doesn’t have the necessary vitamins and nutrients it needs. Any stress or injury to the tissue in your mouth can also be a culprit. Harsh products or brushing your teeth too vigorously can cause the small ulcers to form. Here are a few ways to try and lessen your healing time!

  1. Salt Water – mix a tsp. of salt in 1 cup of water. Then rinse your whole mouth. It may sting at first, but it should feel better when you’re done. Repeat a few times a day!
  2. Advil or Aleve – If it’s so bad you can’t concentrate on anything else, take a pain reliever. Any aspirin or ibuprofen should do the trick. Don’t take more than recommended and if the canker sore doesn’t go away, see your doctor.
  3. Aloe – If you can find an aloe plant, take a leaf and take a dollop of the aloe and place it on the canker sore. Repeat throughout the day. If you don’t have an aloe plant, you can find aloe juice and rinse your mouth with it a few times a day.
  4. Baking Soda – Make a small amount of paste by mixing a pinch of baking soda with some water. Place on the canker sore. If that’s too painful, just mix a small spoonful of baking soda with a cup of water and rinse. Don’t forget to wash your hands before putting in your mouth.
  5. Onion – Onions have sulfur, which can help get rid of your canker sore. Cut a small slice and rub the onion “juice” on the canker sore. If that’s too painful you can just leave the onion slice on top for a few minutes.

Canker sores should eventually go away on their own. These methods above are just to help the process go by more painlessly. If you notice that your canker sore is getting worse or not going away, see your doctor.

Dr. Lorraine Burio of Candlewood Dental Care has been treating and educating patients for over twenty-five years. Our offices are located in New Fairfield, New Milford, Danbury, and Sherman areas of CT and Pawling, Patterson and Putnam Lake of New York. You can call us at 203-746-1200.