As we get older, many of us push off doctor or dentist appointments until we feel a sudden or urgent need to go. We may suddenly have a major toothache or feel nerve pain shooting through our jaw. If you notice symptoms before a major issue occurs, you can prevent a lot of dental ailments. Here are a few dental issues to watch out for.
Bleeding Gums
Unless you have accidentally brushed your teeth too roughly or flossed a little too carelessly, your gums should not be bleeding on a regular basis. Gums can bleed from a hard hit or some sort of trauma, but gums that bleed from even the smallest things may mean that you have gum disease or diabetes.
Bad Breath
We all have bad breath from time to time from eating certain foods such as garlic, coffee or onions, but if your bad breath starts soon after you brush your teeth and seems to be constant no matter how much gum you chew, you may have tooth decay. Bad breath can also mean you’re dehydrated and not getting enough water in your system. Dehydration means your saliva isn’t producing at the rate that it should, so you should definitely get checked out.
Loose Teeth
Teeth are shifting all the time but the change is gradual and very slow. If you notice your teeth seem very loose and are wiggled by your fingers, you may have gum disease or osteoporosis. Don’t keep touching your moving teeth and see a dentist immediately.
Dry Mouth
If you drink enough water and you still have a dry mouth, you may be suffering from nerve damage, infection or illness. Having a dry mouth is unhealthy for your oral health since saliva is the best defense against bacteria.
If you have any questions, or need to see a dentist, call Candlewood Dental Care in New Fairfield, CT. Dr. Lorraine Burio has been treating and educating patients for over twenty-five years. Our office serves the New Fairfield, New Milford, Danbury, and Sherman areas of CT and Pawling, Patterson and Putnam Lake of New York. You can call us at 203-746-1200.